
英風百年 —楊英風藝術大展 歐 洲 歐洲印象

楊英風/ 羅馬競技場(一) /速寫淡彩/楊英風美術館藏 Yuyu Yang / Il Colosseo, Roma (1) / Watercolor on Paper / Collection of the Yuyu Yang Museum / 34.5 × 49 cm / 1965 歐

洲 印

印 象

1963 年,楊英風以北平輔仁大學校友代表身份,陪同 臺灣輔仁大學校長于斌主教,前往義大利羅馬梵蒂岡, 向教皇保祿六世表達對教廷協助輔仁大學在臺復校之謝 意,也展開了他遊學歐洲 3 年的生命之旅。此期間除留 下大批作品,也成為臺、義現代藝術交流的重要橋梁; 楊英風居義期間,計個展達 9 次之多,並協助臺灣駐義 大使策劃「中華民國現代派藝展」之舉辦,計有 24 位 臺灣藝術家作品參與展出。返臺後,並引介舉辦「義大

Europe Impressions


In 1963, as an alumni representative of Beijing’s Fu Jen Catholic University, Yuyu Yang accompanied the Cardinal Paul Yu Pin to visit the Vatican, where they had an audience with Pope Paul VI to express their gratitude for the Curia’s assistance in the university’s re-establishment in Taiwan. This trip also marked the beginning of Yang’s three-year study tour in Europe. During this period, he created many works and fashioned himself into a vital bridge connecting the Taiwanese and Italian modern art scenes. Yang held a total of nine solo exhibitions during his stay in Italy and helped Taiwan’s representative to Italy organize the exhibition, Arte Moderna della Republica di Cina (Modern Art of the Republic of China), which showcased twenty-four Taiwanese artists and their works. After Yang returned to Taiwan, he also helped organize Italian Medallion Sculpture Exhibition , which was presented at the National Museum of History.

楊英風於羅馬街頭速寫。 Yuyu Yang making sketches on Rome street.

楊英風於羅馬競技場前。 Yuyu Yang in front of the Colosseum.

Yuyu Yang: A Centennial Retrospective



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